The most important thing to have, before making any kind of move, is information. Information about the area, information about the market and information about schools, the job market and recreational activities. It’s only when you are fully informed that you can then make a fully informed and educated decision.
This is exactly the reason why I created this Sarasota Information depository for you. Once a member, you can easily log in to view and download any information you need about the Sarasota Bradenton area, with just a click of the mouse! Need to find a map of downtown Sarasota? Its here. Want to find out how the sales of condos in April compared to sales in June? Its in here and ready for you to you download.
Mark Klecka – Realtor
Coldwell Banker – Downtown Sarasota
c – (941) 348.9400
e – mark.klecka@cbrealty.com
w – www.MarkSellingSarasota.com
w – www.SarasotaCondovalues.com
FB – I Love Downtown Sarasota Facebook Group
You have any questions, I will more than likely have the answer. And if I don’t have it for you immediately I will surely have it within an hour or so. I created this site to be a convenient way for you to be able to have access to all the information you need about Sarasota / Bradenton to make the best, informed decision on purchasing in our paradise. Should you feel there is some information you would like to see made available, please let me know and I will do what I can to make that happen.
Any additional questions please feel free to reach out at any time and for any reason.
Mark Klecka – Realtor / Coldwell Banker
c – (941) 348-9400
e – mark.klecka@cbrealty.com